Sunday 27 September 2009

And We're Off!

So, here we are, day 1 (again). New day, new start, but is it just going to be the same old same old new start followed by failure?

I hope not but to say that I'm apprehensive is an understatement.

So lets go back to the start.

Approximately 4 months ago I was very proud to have achieved a fantastic weight loss and reached my goal weight after following the LighterLife meal replacement programme. Losing weight on the programme was easy (I don't mean to brag but it was easy for me) but the biggest challenge for me is to maintain that weight loss and remain at that goal weight forever (within reason of course).

I am saddened to say that the weight is starting to creep back up again and I realise that I need to tackle the problem from a whole different angle. The sad fact for me is that weight loss/maintenance is all in my mind and I need to tackle some demons if I am not to return to the 16 stone unhappy person I was back at the beginning of the year. I have also given myself quite a shock over the last week by (in the grips of PMT) having regained 1 stone in the short space of a week. That is so frightening and I didn't think that it was possible - but it obviously is because that's what the scales are telling me.

So here we are on day 1 of the "new approach".

The new approach is a combination of following the principles of 2 "self help" books:
Eating Less by Gillian Riley
Stop Binging by Lee Janogley

I will write further on these 2 in due course but I just wanted to get my first post down to sort of validate the start of the process!